Writing Rules


1. Article may be in either Turkish or English.

2. Only manuscripts that have not been published elsewhere or that are not currently in the evaluation process for publication can be sent to the journal. Scientific research and writing rules should be taken as basis for article writing.

3.  When naming the file to be uploaded to the system, author(s) should be carefull not to use spaces and periods, and the name should not be too long. Personal information check should be made before submitting the file.

4. The names of the authors, their institutions and the information that may remind the authors should not be included in the article. Information such as produced from theses, presented in congress or symposium should not be included in the article in the first submission, but should be sent to the editor in the notes section.

5. Turkish abstract and keywords and English abstract and keywords should be added to the article. Each of the abstracts should be between 100-150 words on average. Articles should contain at most 5 keywords and at least 3 JEL classification codes (if any).

6. Articles should be written in Word, in Times New Roman characters and single-spaced. The font should be 11 pt for text, 12 pt for headings and 10 pt for footnotes. Tables and figures should fit on the page and be legible.

7. The article should be in accordance with research and publication ethics. The originality of the articles will be checked through Plagiarism detection software (iThenticate, Turnitin etc.). Ethics committee approval is required for all kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants by using survey, interview, focus group interview, observation, experiment and interview techniques. If "Ethics Committee Approval" is required for the research; In the “Materials and Methods” section of the article, information regarding the approval of the Ethics Committee (name of the ethics committee, number and date of the approval document) should be stated.

8. All references cited in the text should be in parentheses. Reference in parentheses should be in the following order: Surname(s) of Author(s), Publication Year.

For instance:

..... is stated (Taylor, 2010).

..... is suggested ((Grundy ve Moxon, 2013).

..... (Stephens ve Malone, 2010; Schultz vd., 2011).

9. All references cited in the text should be specified in the references section, References should be written in alphabetical order by surname. APA 6 system will be taken as basis for footnotes, citations and references.

10. You can access the draft article format here.

11. The responsibility of the published articles belongs to the author(s) of articles. The opinions in the articles cannot be attributed to the Journal of Turkish Social Sciences Research.