Evaluation process

1. Articles to be sent to the journal must not have been published anywhere before or submitted for publication. In case of detection of this situation, the article evaluation process will be canceled. Symposium, congress, etc. Revised versions of studies published in proceedings may be published, provided that this is stated in the article.

2. The editorial evaluation period for articles is 21 days. The referee evaluation period lasts a maximum of 3 months.

3. Submitted articles must be prepared in accordance with the writing rules of our journal.

4. A similarity report will be obtained for the submitted articles using a plagiarism prevention program. Articles with a similarity rate of more than 20% are not taken into the referee evaluation process. Subsequently, its compliance with the language and form rules is examined by the language editor.

5. Submitted articles are first evaluated by the field editor in terms of purpose, scope, form and content conditions.

6. The evaluation process of articles is carried out according to the blind referee system, in which the author(s) are not informed about the identities of the referees and the referees are not informed about the identities of the author(s).

7. Articles that comply with the publication policy and writing rules are sent to two referees for evaluation using the blind referee system.

8. It is decided whether the article will be published or not within the framework of the reports received from the referees.

9. If one referee gives a positive opinion and the other referee gives a negative opinion, the article is sent to a third referee. According to the decision of the third referee, it is decided whether the article will be published or not.

10. If corrections are requested by the referees, the corrections requested by the author(s) must be made. If requested, the corrections made will be re-examined by the referees.

11. Journal of Customs and Trade has the right to publish, not publish and make corrections to the submitted articles.

12. All legal responsibilities regarding the articles published in the Journal of Customs and Trade belong to the author(s).

13. No fee is charged from the author(s) for the articles published in the Journal of Customs and Trade, and no royalties are paid to the referees and author(s).

Last Update Time: 6/25/21, 7:13:26 AM

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