Aim & Scope

Purpose: Journal of Customs and Trade is a periodical national refereed journal that aims to bring together parties working in the academic and practical fields of Customs and Trade on a common platform. It is an academic publication that aims to be an effective tool for sharing scientific research findings, thoughts, evaluations and analyzes among academics, researchers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and public institutions working in the field of customs and trade.
Journal of Customs and Trade aims to be a quarterly scientific publication in which both academic and practice-based foreign trade-oriented topics are discussed in the basic field of social and human sciences. In addition to customs and trade, the publication includes; Specific areas such as general economy, foreign trade (domestic-foreign trade), export and import issues, related legal issues, taxation, finance and accounting transactions, international relations and public administration are included.

Scope: Customs and Trade Journal; It accepts articles on customs, domestic and foreign trade, micro and macro economic issues, law, finance, finance, accounting and international relations. In addition to academics, experts on relevant subjects can also submit articles to the journal.

Period Months
March June September December

"Our magazine is monitored by ULAKBİM and scanned by ASOSINDEX and SOBİAD."