
Journal of Nazilli Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (NIIBFD) is a double-blind refereed journal published twice a year.

In addition to articles based on original research from the fields of business, economics, public administration, international relations, finance, labor economics and management sciences, the journal also includes articles such as reports, reviews, conference notes, case studies, book presentations, letters to the editor, meeting, news, and announcements. 

The authors can contribute to the journal with their studies in Turkish and English, prepared in accordance with the spelling rules set by the editorial board. There is no submission or processing fee for submitted articles. Manuscripts should be sent only through the Dergipark system. If the article is accepted for referee review, the Copyright Transfer Form should be signed by the responsible author and sent to the editor.

The claims, opinions or thoughts put forward in the articles in NIIBFD belong to the authors. It does not reflect the official views and opinions of the editors. The articles to be sent to our journal should be prepared according to the template file. Template file can be downloaded and corrections can also be made. Articles not prepared in accordance with the template file are returned back to the author by the editor.

Article Review Period (average): 30 days

Publishing Frequency: 2 issues per year (June and December)

for Template