Asiye Parlak Rakap Doç. Dr. BARTIN ÜNİVERSİTESİ
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Okul Öncesi Eğitim Yaratıcı Drama Eğitimi


Parlak Rakap (PhD) graduated from Gazi University, Division of Preschool Education in 2003, and attended her integrated PhD education at the Middle East Technical University, Department of Elementary Education in 2004. During her doctoral works at METU, the researcher also worked with Prof. Dr. Ithel Jones at Florida State University for 10 months on Preschool Science Education in 2010. She earned her PhD working with Prof. Dr. Feyza Tantekin Erden in 2011, and started her career as a faculty at Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, in the Division of Preschool Teaching between 2012-2022. As part of her postdoctoral research at North Carolina State University Psychology Department, Dr. Parlak Rakap studied respect and gratitude in early childhood in the FABB Lab (Family Affect, Beliefs, and Behaviors Lab) with Prof. Amy HALBERSTADT between 2021-2022. Her research interests include self-discipline, creative drama, preschool science education, respect in early childhood, and special education. Since 2022, she has been working at Bartın University, Division of Preschool Education.


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